To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the death of our founder, Blessed James Alberione, we will reflect on his words and use them as our daily guide.
Yes, pray; holiness comes first of all from God, it comes from the Tabernacle. It is up to us to correspond to grace. Let us go to the Tabernacle: in it is the energy that must strengthen souls. It is Jesus who enlightens us, who strengthens us and who sanctifies us (PrP I, 104).
Jesus looked at the rich young man with love. If you want to make yourselves holy, when you enter the church, look at the Tabernacle with love: from behind that little door Jesus looks at you one by one with love and knows you all. And do we know Jesus? (PrP I, 120-121).
O Jesus, you have presented your Heart to men. I want to offer you mine, everything of it. I want to give you not a cold heart, but a heart lit with love. Not a dissipated heart; but a pious and recollected heart. Not a dead heart; but a living and working heart. Not a proud and vain heart; but a humble and generous heart. And here is everything of it, forever (BM, 352).
That men and women may begin their day with the Holy Eucharist and conclude it with the Eucharistic adoration. May the Tabernacle be the centre of every life, be the strength of every existence (APD47, 377).
The Church cannot give a greater good than Communion, has no other loftier life and greatest support but the Eucharist. If all men and women would understand what it means: God with us... What is received in Communion, all would turn to the Eucharist (APD47, 409).
The Tabernacle is the source of the water of eternal life. But in order for the divine light, for strength and grace to reach our souls, we must approach this source. To do otherwise would be like wanting water without turning on the tap, expecting the light bulb to shine without turning on the switch (PrP I, 105).
Jesus remains in the Tabernacle out of love. The Eucharist is a mystery of faith, grace and charity. Could the charity of the Divine Master perhaps go further? Could he do more than this? Take this and eat it. Could he do more than to give himself as food, to let himself be eaten? (APD47, 527).
Let us meditate well, here, in front of the Tabernacle: the first impediment to holiness is pride, while the first step towards holiness is sincere humility, the humility of mind, of will, of heart, of works; that humility which makes us trust only in divine mercy (PrP I, 105).
What a consolation is this for us: we are poor and are sinners. We would not merit from the Lord if not chastisements, but between us and the Lord there is a great saint that pleads our cause, that defends us, intercedes for us, thinks for us more than we can think for ourselves. Oh! What a consolation! St. Paul loves us (APim, 110).
Mary Most Holy, who brought Jesus into the world, grew him up, offered him up. From her, every grace comes to us. Mary is the Mother of our spiritual life (APD47, 138).
Everything ends in the Tabernacle and everything starts from the Tabernacle, for your sanctification, for the persons that you must lead to the Eucharist (APD47, 379).
Only one pain should pierce our hearts: that of not having benefited enough of the Eucharist, and if remorse were possible in eternity, it would be that of not having drawn all the grace we could from the Eucharist (APD47, 409).
In the Eucharist Jesus continues to humble himself. He is hidden here under the appearance of bread. How lovable he is in this annihilation. On the cross, the divinity was hidden, hidden here before us, too, is the humanity. Is it possible to lower oneself more? He can truly say: “Learn from me, for I am meek and humble” (APD47, 523).
Why is it that Communion does not always produce the same fruit? Not because the food is not good, but because it is not received well. Like the seed in the Gospel, it may happen that some fell on the footpath, some fell among thorns, some on rocky ground, finally, some fell on good soil (APD47, 368).
Get into the heart of Jesus to know his desires, his aspirations; take part in them, breath as he does, aim at that which he aims at. One heart with Jesus’ Heart (APD47, 282).
St. Paul, speaking about the preachers of the truths of the gospel, exclaims: how holy are their steps, that is, the toils of these announcers of the good news! Lovely and holy is it to make known our Creator, lovely and holy is it to make known Our Lord Jesus Christ, lovely and holy is it to make known the Church (APim, 102).
All holy desires are summed up in these: that the Lord be known, loved, glorified; that all souls be saved and holy (APD47, 294).
St. Paul has created the Society of St. Paul of which he is the founder. It is not the Society of St. Paul that has elected him, but he has elected us. Rather, he has generated us: “I’m the one that has generated you in Christ Jesus, through the gospel” [1Cor 4:15] (APim, 227).
To believe in the dogma of the Real Presence; to go to the Eucharist just like the persons who were going to Jesus when he became man and lived visibly among us. To go to Jesus like Mary in the manger, like Magdalene who asked for pardon, like the Samaritan woman who asked for living water, like the blind persons who pleaded to regain their sight, like the sinners who asked for mercy (APD47, 364).
Jesus listens to holy desires and desires are always holy, when they aim for the glory of God, for our sanctification, for the sanctification of our neighbour. These are graces that God surely grants (APD47, 296).
If you really love Jesus, you have to look for, to study what pleases him, to ardently desire the glory of the Father and the propagation of the faith. Jesus desires much the salvation of souls and he wants, above all, that your souls be holy, beautiful, all his, never to disgust him (APD47, 298).
If St. Paul were alive he would continue to burn off that twofold flame of the same fire, of zeal for God and for his Christ, and for people of every nation. And to make himself heard he would ascend the highest pulpits and multi-ply his word through the instruments of contemporary progress: the press, cinema, radio, television (APim, 227).
When he arrived, he did not appear just for an occasional conference, but he stayed and formed: to get the consent of minds, to persuade, convert, unite to Christ, launch a fully Christian life. He did not leave unless he was morally certain of the perseverance of his own (APim, 227).
The Divine Master in the church spreads off his rays that are the way, the truth and the life, and these rays … form the apostles of the press, and through the pen, the types and the machines of the house enlighten souls, guide them and give them life. From here the missionaries of the good press will leave for the mission countries (APim, 35).
The Divine Master must dominate throughout the world, he must be for every soul the true light that illuminates. May he be so now, first of all for you... so that you may walk in this light throughout the year. You must be dedicated persons, totally consecrated to the Divine Master, so as to make Him known, loved, served and glorified (APD47, 354).
Apostolate is the flower of charity and the first charity to be practiced is towards God, desiring his glory. The Divine Master during his earthly life had always desired the glory of the Father: “I seek his glory”. This is the first desire (APD47, 292).
Jesus Christ is the perfect original; Paul was made and became himself form for us, wherefore in him, we are forged in order to reproduce Christ. St. Paul-form is... to communicate to us to the utmost his personality: his mentality, his virtue, his zeal, his piety... everything (APim, 227).
There are persons who in their life, ought not to do real apostolate of deeds, but apostolate of prayer, good example, interior life, holy desires (APD47, 291).
Are you persons who can say like Jesus: I always do what pleases Him, in the interior and sincere disposition to God’s will? To do what pleases him? Persons of whom God can do what He wills, dispose as He wishes? All of them God’s, to the full? This is the true devotion: to be of God! (APD47, 285).
Some persons work all their life, they come, go, sweat, walk, toil and end up nothing because they lack the interior life. They are zeros without units, empty plants that exteriorly may look smart, but they do not bear fruits (APD47, 283).
Ask Mary to guide you. Our Lady of Good Counsel is painted with Jesus resting his head on her heart, so that she may enlighten him: and she holds up his little foot to guide him (PrP I, 128).
Our foundress
Venerable Thecla Merlo
night of 31 December 1900 and felt obliged “to do something for God and for the people of the new century.”
Our founder Blessed James Alberione
Fr James Alberione encountered the Lord in the
Eucharistic adoration on the
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