To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the death of our founder, Blessed James Alberione, we will reflect on his words and use them as our daily guide.
The year is offered in these words: “while waiting for the blessed hope to be fulfilled” ... Paradise is glorifying God,the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ who saved us and therefore put us in a position to glorify God and to live in eternal hope. “Let the blessed hope be fulfilled”up there in heaven (APD 66, 6).
More than half of men still lie in the darkness of ignorance.They do not know that they have a God who has become incarnate..., in whose name they must hope and that whoever hopes in him, believes in him, loves him,will be saved (APD 59, 7).
Love Mary, because she is our great benefactor. Let us look back: what we have came to us through her hands.And then let us turn forward: everything we hope for, we will receive through Mary, from her hands (RSP 442).
Hope: a) we must consider it as the sweetest comfort and the strongest support in life; b) ask for it insistently because it is theological and supernatural; c) avoid the opposite sins which are presumption and desperation.
Of course, we do not understand the beauty of our vocation;those who still do not understand the press apostolate after so many words, are well behind... Let us humble ourselves, since we do not know our wealth (FSP 31*,116-117). (APD 60, 217).
Let us place ourselves under the gaze of the most Holy Mary and tell her that today we elect her as our mother,so that she will take great care of us, of our life and of our vocation (FSP 32*, 279).
Hope in Jesus Christ. The Father sent the Son to teach the way to heaven to men who walked the wrong ways. He is the Way. And it is also the means, that is, the grace to carry out the good works “that we must and want to do”(San Paolo, gennaio 1963, p. 7; cf CISP 1364).
When one has the patience to endure, to do good to one another among superiors, inferiors, equals, so that everyone is inspired to do good, then one lives well in the family(FSP 31*, 258).
We must have trust, hoping in the grace of God. Yes,hope, the mercy of God, the merits of Jesus Christ, this is it. Our hope is precisely in the merits of Jesus (APD 65 440).
The solemnity of the Epiphany is to remember the great mystery, the great mercy of Jesus for men: to call the Magi to himself, that is, the Gentiles, the pagan peoples, the representatives of the pagan peoples... The Magi attracted by a star came to adore Him who was the light, the light of the world (APD 57, 10).
True holiness is that which starts from a great spirit of faith and starts from a firm hope in the grace of God and in Paradise, thirdly, from true love of God within.
It is common life that makes us similar to Jesus, who gave us thirty years of examples to tell us that the greatest merit lies in common life (FSP 30*, 63).
Common life is sanctified by doing everything with immense and simple love, by doing everything willingly with love (FSP 30*, 63).
Have hope because we have no possibility of making merits except in Christ. Hope is in Christ, his merits. By doing good, with the right intention, with his grace, then yes, the smallest thing enriches the soul and enriches the beauty of the eternal home, heaven (APD 65, 537).
The apostle soul is a soul that loves the Lord, wants to save herself, ardently desires Paradise and would like to lead all men to heaven with her (FSP 31*, 171).
Whoever supports or resigns oneself to common life without putting on love, then, when one encounters difficulty,pride rebels... One who becomes a child and puts love into small things, then one resembles Jesus and this is how one becomes a saint quickly... pride is what ruins everything (FSP 30*, 63).
We must love work, study, prayer, meals, recreation... In common. It is there where the head goes soft and God’s will be truly done, otherwise we always do our own and in the end we will find that we have not done what God wants (FSP 30*, 63).
In the so-called “priestly” prayer, Jesus repeated the request to the heavenly Father four times: that there be union...we must always think of the intimate constitution of the Church: utunumsint (Jn 17:11) (APD 64, 48).
Make the most of everything [to progress] because these are the great means that providence gives you. Do not go looking for special things, but take these means well and know how to use them. You have the catechism, the Gospel,study them well, use them well, do not look for anything else (FSP 32*, 296).
Jesus came, became man and marked the path with his divine footsteps. He did it especially in his common life where he did all the most humble and simple things in order to tell us: The simplest and safest life is the common life, humble and withdrawn, it is the sanctification of daily works (FSP 30*, 64).
Jesus is a model of love. Love for the Father, for souls, for virtues, especially humility, obedience, simplicity, etc.How would Jesus do it? Here is the beautiful maxim of he saints... This is the maxim that can and must be said of every action. “What would Jesus do now if he were in my place?” (FSP 30*, 66).
Have you found the holy arts that are created by love?Did you ask them? Have you prayed for Jesus to multiply the means to reach souls? Have you asked that Jesus and his Gospel enter every family and that we can have at least two cooperators in every parish? (FSP 31*, 157).
“Look after yourself!” If St. Paul says it four times to Timothy,an elderly priest, if Jesus says it, if St. Bernard says it to the Pope: “Attende tibi, et doctrinae,” it means that first of all we must look after ourselves (FSP 31*, 244-245).
There are chosen souls who give so much to the Lord;others are content with words. Giving the Lord everything means giving him what he has given us, offering him mind, heart, time, health, life, strength (FSP 32*,278).
[Some] repent of some sin, but the main passion... they do not hate it! They kill the little snakes: the lie, the distraction,but they leave the big snake in the heart!... The predominant passion must be destroyed (FSP 31*, 248).
If at any time we feel weak, tired and bored with the same life, the long study, the prayers, the same job, etc., let us go to Jesus. He has gained grace for every doubt, every boredom and pain and to overcome every temptation. Let us go to him: he is Life (FSP 30*, 66).
What a difference between the degree of grace of St. Francis de Sales, of the saints in general and us! How weak, poor, petty we are, how cold we are in the service of God! (FSP 31*, 139).
Many benefits come to us from reading the Holy Scripture:increase in hope, the Christian hope of having in this life the graces necessary for our salvation and Paradise in the next (RSP 107).
We consider Jesus as life and grace. For us he has prepared treasures and graces, for us, for us! In his life he thought of us in particular (FSP 30*, 68).
Religious life is there: the work of becoming saints, observing the evangelical counsels and the Rules. These things are the core of religious life, the essence, the occupation that is chosen, the profession that is selected, everything else is accessory, consequence (FSP 31*)
We have to do, we look at Jesus. If we want to be humble, obedient, poor, chaste, etc., let us always turn to Jesus as the model (FSP30*, 68).
Our foundress
Venerable Thecla Merlo
night of 31 December 1900 and felt obliged “to do something for God and for the people of the new century.”
Our founder Blessed James Alberione
Fr James Alberione encountered the Lord in the
Eucharistic adoration on the
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