To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the death of our founder, Blessed James Alberione, we will reflect on his words and use them as our daily guide.
The Bible has two authors: a primary author, and this is God, and many secondary authors, and these are the ones God chose in various times, places and circumstances... They are like intelligent and free instruments, or secretaries and scribes of God, to whom, so to speak, He deigned to inspire the letter to be sent to humanity (LS 28).
O Mary, Mother of the Divine Shepherd, keep your holy hand on our heads so that we can imitate you in the spiritual and active life and reach eternal glory in Heaven (PR 149).
O Jesus, Divine Master, I thank and bless your most holy heart for the institution of the Religious State... Multiply, O divine heart, religious vocations: support them in faithful observance of the evangelical counsels; let them be souls who console you, who pray, who are zealous for you (PR 137).
The books that are printed in the world today are of an immense number... But there is one that deals with supernatural and divine things: the Bible; it is aptly called the Book par excellence, the Divine Book. Everything the Bible contains is divine and was written by divine inspiration (LS 28).
Under the print of the letter and the paper of the Bible is hidden an entire world of sublime, universal, eternal truths. Under the modest outer garment, we perceive the word of God. And we love the Bible not so much for its external form, but because it is the word of God, it is the word of our most loving Father (LS 39-40).
The Bible being the letter of God, the syllables and words of which it is composed consequently have a divine meaning. It is by virtue of this sense that the Holy Book is surrounded by that luminous halo by which everyone considers the Bible to be the principal book that humanity possesses (LS 40-41).
Knowing that all the books of Holy Scripture are written by divine inspiration and under the assistance of the Holy Spirit, we must read them with complete tranquillity, certain that we have substantial food for our soul (LS 32).
The Holy Spirit, in inspiring the Holy Writers, performed a threefold function: he enlightened their minds as to what they were to write; he moved their will so that they decided to write and assisted them as they were writing (LS 30).
In Exodus we read that the Lord said to Moses: “This fact, so that it may be remembered, write it in the Book” (Ex 17:14). And to Isaiah: “Take a large book and write on it in human characters” (Is 8:1). From here we see how the Lord profoundly moved the will of the Hagiographers to write (LS 31).
Hear us, O Mary, so that all men welcome the Divine Master, Way and Truth and Life, become docile children of the Catholic Church, and the whole world resound with your praises and honour you as Mother, Teacher and Queen. And so we can all reach the blessed sojourn of eternal happiness (PR 157).
Mary of Sorrows... let us thank this mother of ours because she then contributed, shared the redemption, because she shared the pains of Jesus Christ and while Jesus suffered on the altar of the cross, she suffered in her soul. If the Son was pierced with nails, the sword of pain pierced her mother’s heart (APD56, 537).
I desire only You, O Jesus my Savior and my God, I cling to your heart, I want to love you with all my heart and above all I desire only one grace: that of loving you more and more, in all my life , to be able to love you forever in eternity (PR 87).
Whoever reads the Bible will see boundless horizons open up before him. His mind will comprehend the reason and the divine beauty of so many truths that he will later have to study or hear explained. A mysterious light will continually illuminate his intelligence and guide him along the mysterious paths of divine knowledge (LS 69).
Carrying out the apostolate which, after all, is unique, that of Mary: give Jesus Christ to the world. Mary fulfilled her apostolate completely, we carry it in part. But there must be humility that accompanies us, as well as there must be prayer together so that all together we make one body in Christ, in the Church (APD56, 287).
Take the Bible and read: there you will find living water that will quench your burning thirst; you will find the way to love your Heavenly Spouse above all things; you will even find conversations to have with Him. In a word, your soul will find a way to be completely satisfied (LS 90).
The assiduous reader of the Sacred Scripture will be so inflamed with love for God and neighbour that death for him will be a decisive step towards Paradise which consists essentially in love. The loving soul will certainly be admitted to intimate union with the Jesus the Spouse (LS 91).
In the Press Apostolate the biblical truths are told. The Church is the continuation of the Incarnation and the mystical life of Jesus Christ, who continues the work of sanctifier, of unique, universal, indefectible teacher. Priests reflect the teachings, communicate them, enhance them with the press (LS 98).
The primary object of the Press Apostolate is the same as that of the Holy Bible: the truths concerning God and the soul; that which is spiritual. And therefore, the work of God the Father, the work of God the Son, the work of God the Holy Spirit, are revealed and preached (LS 98).
The Apostle of the Press has only one treasure: the eternal, which he wants to secure for himself, which he wants to procure for others. These souls are dear to him, as dear to the Heart of Jesus who gave his life for them (LS 99).
Whoever reads the Bible assiduously is led to live in a divine atmosphere... He remains so inflamed by the holy examples narrated in it, and by the holy maxims, that he conceives heroic intentions and, in the path of perfection, not only runs, but flies (LS 144-145).
Whoever reads the Bible assiduously will learn how to love God and neighbour; how one must forgive and not hate one’s enemies (LS 137).
The center of all revelation is the adorable person of Jesus Christ. In fact, the Old Testament speaks to us of the coming Messiah; the New Testament, of the Messiah who came, so that our mind, whether reading the books of one or of the other Testament, always fixes itself on the only center: the Divine Master (LS 117).
Everyone must read the Holy Scripture, but most of all the Apostle of the Press... Who reads the divine book, takes the divine language, speaks the divine language and acquires divine efficacy. Many sermons, many books, many exhortations would be much more effective if God spoke instead of man (LS 100).
Sacred Scripture and the Press Apostolate use the same voice: the written word. In an editorial room the best ornament is a picture of the Evangelists; the best sign and object of worship is a Gospel opened where it is said: “The seed is the word of God...” (LS 99).
Read the Bible piously: that is, with the heart of children... It must be taken as spiritual reading; as a means of recollection and elevation in the Visit to the Blessed Sacrament; as the main book of meditation; as the divine oracle to be consulted in all spiritual, apostolic and social needs (LS 100).
Many men and Christians prefer reading human books to reading the Bible. How many are there in the world who read everything except the divine book! They go in search of the speck of gold lost in the bowels of the earth, and they do not see the mountain of gold which is the Bible! (LS 107).
Read the Holy Scriptures and you will be consoled; there you will find everything you desire. Your heart will be satisfied with all those goods that it craves. You will learn how to pray and how to acquire heaven (LS 129).
We must resemble the Angels; men composed of soul and body, we must tend to rise up and realize in us what Jesus Christ said: “they will be like the angels of God in heaven” (Mt 22:30). That we become like the Angels in our sentiments, that we become like Angels in our habits (Predicheinedite, 1933, 114).
God writes to men, then the Apostles and the Popes continue, as representatives of God; the priest, as the pen, the mouth, the hand of the Pope. The Press Apostolate is the continuation of God’s work (LS 97).
All the Saints are a living and perennial commentary on Holy Scripture... some even made a single verse the goal of their whole life: others, reading very few words of the holy book, had the drive and strength to escape sin, give themselves to God, and reach the highest peaks of perfection (LS 146).
Our foundress
Venerable Thecla Merlo
night of 31 December 1900 and felt obliged “to do something for God and for the people of the new century.”
Our founder Blessed James Alberione
Fr James Alberione encountered the Lord in the
Eucharistic adoration on the
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