To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the death of our founder, Blessed James Alberione, we will reflect on his words and use them as our daily guide.
Either we aim at our “I” in the form of pride or in the form of sensuality or in the form of attachment which, among the deadly sins, is called avarice or could be other attachments, or in which God dwells in us and we are in God (APD56, 133).
If we spend the Lenten season well, we will be very blessed in the Easter season, especially on the day of the Resurrection and on the day of Pentecost. The Holy Spirit will instil in us his gifts of wisdom, knowledge, intelligence, counsel, piety, fortitude, fear of God (Pastorelle, 1958, 92).
O Lord, enlighten my mind; make me a docile disciple of the Church; let me live by faith; give me understanding of Scriptures. Make me your ardent apostle. Let the light of your Gospel shine to the ends of the earth, O Divine Master (PR 83).
Whether one would study, work, pray or do the apostolate, etc., everything is for one thing only: love of God, union with God (APD56, 133).
This is it: to desire good to all, to will good to all. Desire the good and that is, that the people around us, in the first place, have spiritual goods, then also natural goods (APD56, 145).
Judging badly, suspecting evil without foundation, is sin. Sins are always done first in the mind than in word and deed. Therefore, sanctify the mind. Kindness, charity, in general, has its root in the mind. As one thinks, then so one speaks and thus one acts (APD56, 149).
Lent is like a course of Spiritual Exercises. The Church invites us to reflect on the eternal truths that Jesus preached and on the passion of Jesus himself and on the end-time, the end of life, to rise from our defects, from our sins, to rise again on Easter day in holy joy. To resurrect (APD60, 37).
There are such beautiful souls! so lofty in their thoughts, so supernatural in their reasoning! They anticipate the heavenly occupation which is, then, to see God, to contemplate him, to love him, in eternity (APD56, 140).
Charity. The opposition to selfishness, the inner battle is here. Because the inner battle is presented under the seven deadly sins on one hand... on the other, there is the complex of virtues which are summed up in the love of God (APD56, 134).
There are souls who cultivate the intellectual part more and that is fine, as long as one would also get to the part of the heart afterwards. To love, to love. Because study too is preparation for love, for its goal, just as all of life has its goal: to unite oneself with God and to possess God (APD56, 137).
Oh, how many things woman understands that man does not! In how many small things she intervenes in which man sees almost superficially without either realizing or without giving it importance. How many times does the woman modify (APD56, 524).
It could be that one has a very high office and it could be that one has a very low office, but it is not important at all... [What matters] is the commitment, the love of God that one puts oneself into things, who wants to do them only for him in simplicity and, at the same time, employing whatever strength there is (APD56, 171).
The office that is given to us, that becomes God’s will. Carrying it out in the religious spirit... So by paying attention and loving what is given one to do and striving so that it always succeeds for the better, here is the sanctification of actions of the day (APD56, 170).
This is the mark and sign of charity, the sign which we recognize if we truly love each other: being inclined to think well, to interpret well and even excuse mistakes (APD56, 149).
Chastity is the greatest love... Therefore, the pure soul, which consumes and directs all its affections, its sentiments towards the Eucharist, towards the Church, towards the priesthood considered in its dignity, this soul rises immensely (APD56, 89).
Remove from the mind what does not interest, because if the mind thinks of other things or other people, it cannot think of your needs, it cannot think of God, it cannot think of those truths of faith that elevate us, it cannot have those heavenly thoughts which must guide us in our holiness (APD56, 166).
Lent, and especially the time that we are approaching, the Passion time, especially, Holy Week, is a very propitious time to enter into ourselves and to stimulate us to trust, to love Jesus (APD61, 65).
The Church is the mystical Body of Jesus Christ... The Church is Jesus Christ who continues to remain among us to be in our midst as way, truth and life (APD56, 214).
We honour St Joseph because he is the saint of Providence... Then, we honour St Joseph for his intimate communications with the Child Jesus, in order to ask him for such an intimate love for Jesus, which he himself possessed (APD56, 224).
Let us think of how St Joseph pressed Jesus to his heart when he was a child; let us think how he caressed him, how he provided everything that was needed for the child, with his work... Let us think of how he was amazed, marvelled of how the Son of God obeyed him (APD56, 228).
O Jesus, Divine Master, I thank and bless your most loving heart for the institution of the priesthood... Send good workers to your harvest, O Jesus. Let the priests be the salt that purifies and preserves; may they be the light of the world; may they be the city placed on the mountain; let them do all these according to your heart (PR 137).
O Lord, you were born as our companion; dying, the price of our salvation; ascending to Heaven, our reward; but at the Last Supper you made yourself our heavenly food, which contains all sweetness. I adore you as my Creator, Master, Priest, King and Supreme Judge (PR 83).
The Week of love: has its center on Good Friday, in which day more than the others realizes the “he loved us and gave himself up for us.” It is preceded by the outpouring of love which is the institution of the Most Holy Eucharist. It is followed by the triumphal culmination of this same love, commemorated on Resurrection Sunday (APD47, 202).
Virginity of mind.A beautiful mind, beautiful thoughts. The mind is the most difficult part to sanctify, because it is the most difficult to govern... always put good thoughts, thoughts of recollection, thoughts that please God, in the head (APD56, 176).
Holy thoughts. Holy thoughts when they conform to faith, when one thinks according to faith. Holy thoughts when one thinks in accordance with hope. Holy thoughts when one thinks in conformity with charity, when one thinks well of all and when one thinks of God (APD56, 174).
The Pious Disciples of Jesus Divine Master have three functions in the Church and in the Pauline Family. Eucharistic adoration, priestly service or assistance, liturgical apostolate. They go to the root of the vine, to obtain the sap that will feed the plant, so as to bear fruits of holiness and apostolate (Utperfectus sit homo Dei, I, 376ss).
During Holy Week imitate Jesus, who has accomplished all the redemption, but through suffering; thus our salvation, also through suffering. How to mortify ourselves? How to accompany Jesus in his sufferings? (APD64, 95).
These are very holy days, days in which one must preserve serenity, inner joy, but that holy joy. At the same time a habitual recollection, to interpret well all that the Church makes us feel starting from Palm Sunday and in this week of the Passion (Pastorelle, 1964, 71).
Contemplate the examples that Jesus left us... Know that this Master not only speaks and not only teaches, but died on the cross to acquire for us the grace so that we can live what he preached and what he taught with examples (APD56, 500).
If original sin had closed paradise, Jesus Christ reopened it with the key of the cross and with his resurrection and invited us to follow him and he, first, entered into his glory and left the doors open for us (APD56, 417).
My Crucified Master: I understood your admonition: “Whoever wants to come after me, must deny himself, take up his cross and follow me.” This is the way to unite myself more intimately to you and obtain abundant outpouring of grace (PR 310).
Our foundress
Venerable Thecla Merlo
night of 31 December 1900 and felt obliged “to do something for God and for the people of the new century.”
Our founder Blessed James Alberione
Fr James Alberione encountered the Lord in the
Eucharistic adoration on the
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