Blessed James Alberioine

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Prayer Intentions 2024

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To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the death of our founder, Blessed James Alberione, we will reflect on his words and use them as our daily guide.


Form the maternal heart. That mother is always for making peace and contains and covers up for the mistakes of one child and encourages the other and recalls the one who is too proud, who trusts in himself and helps the one who is weaker, who was born later, who is younger. Eh, that is the mother! (APD56, 524-525).

Interior sanctification means believing in revealed truths, the holy use of reason, of the mind; thinking in accordance with the Gospel and always having in mind thoughts of faith, righteous thoughts, thoughts according to God (APD56, 562).

O Jesus, Divine Master, I thank and bless your most generous heart for the great gift of the Gospel... Grant me the grace to preserve it with veneration, to listen to it and read it according to the spirit of the Church and to spread it with the love with which you preached it (PR 136).

The first part to sanctify is the soul... first we need to go to the root, sanctify the spirit, our interior life, because the mind is the main part, the main gift that God has given to man, our intelligence, our freedom, yes. The examination, therefore, begins from within (APD56, 563).

The perfection of God’s love is when it arrives at friendship, friendship with the Lord. And friendship, what does that mean? Friendship means exchange of gifts, reciprocity, that is, while God has given himself to us, we give ourselves to him (APD56, 669).

If Jesus, before preaching, acted, that is, first he accomplished those works, he practiced those virtues that he taught afterwards, here is the school. In that school, what does one learn? One learns patience, one learns obedience, one learns humility, one learns simplicity (APD56, 673-674).

Holiness is the union of mind and heart and will with God and this union with God revealed as it is in heaven, will form our eternal bliss. But one begins on earth because charity, which is this union, is the greatest of virtues, a virtue that lasts eternally (APD56, 557).

Man is made up of three faculties, namely: intelligence, will and sentiment. And then, in order to give full worship, a worship of all of oneself to Jesus, he must subdue his mind with faith and he must subdue his will with obedience and he must subjugate his sentiments with love (APD56, 619).

There is infused contemplation... It is the Lord, his spirit that empowers the soul, wins it, draws it to himself; the soul remains absorbed and communicates directly with God and only contemplation awakens in her all the sentiments and which are sentiments communicated by the Holy Spirit (APD56, 554).

O Mary, you are therefore our Mother; we are your children. Here, then, are all of ourselves and all we possess; we consecrate everything to you. We want to be yours as Jesus was yours; we want you to be a Mother to us, as you were a Mother to Jesus. Let us grow in wisdom, age and grace (PR 167).

O Lord, that I may know you, love you, live in you and be able to enjoy you forever (PR 68).

O Jesus, enlighten our intelligence to understand and meditate on the divine Scriptures. Make our will docile to the examples and precepts of your sweetness. Teach us to pray worthily, attentively and devoutly with the words of the Divine Spirit (PR 68).

What is going to happen to me today, my God, I do not know. All I know is that nothing will happen to me that You have not foreseen and directed to my greatest good from all eternity. This alone is enough for me (PR 53).

O our Master, Jesus Christ, you are the Way, Truth and Life, let us learn the supereminent knowledge of your charity in the spirit of St Paul the Apostle and of the Catholic Church. Send your Holy Spirit so that he may teach us and recommend to us what you have taught with the assent of the Father (PR 68).

Contemplate the beauty of Mary in her home where she attends to domestic things, at the service of Jesus. The beauty of Mary at the foot of the Cross and, above all, the beauty of Mary infused with the Holy Spirit on Pentecost day and the beauty of Mary assumed body and soul into heaven (APD56, 80).

The Visit is an encounter of the soul and of our whole being with Jesus. It is the creature who encounters the Creator. It is the disciple before the Divine Master. It is the infirm with the Doctor of souls. It is the poor who has recourse to the Rich. It is the thirsty who drinks at the Fountain (PR 96).

The Visit is where the weak presents itself to the Almighty. It is the tempted who seeks the safe Refuge. It is the blind who seeks the Light. It is the friend who goes to the true Friend. It is the lost sheep sought by the Divine Shepherd (PR 96).

The Visit is where the disoriented heart finds the Way. It is the fool who finds Wisdom. It is the bride who finds the Groom of the soul. It is the nothingness that finds the Everything. It is the afflicted who finds the Comforter. It is the young who finds orientation for life (PR 96).

On August 20, 1914, the first students entered the Printing School. Since that day the Lord has granted us many graces and it is for this reason that the Printing School wants to remember that date: in order to thank God for all the benefits bestowed so far and to ask for many and for many more (Unione Cooperatori Buona Stampa, 1919, 7, 6).

Our prayer for vocations is answered as we live the religious life. We attract others to our path, if we walk on it ourselves (APD56, 487).

It is necessary that the Holy Spirit move men to read, incline their hearts to love the Sacred Book, open their minds to understand it according to the teachings of the Catholic faith and give them the grace to practice what they have read in it (LS 9).




















The Bible is not just for one class of people... but it is for everyone, since all men, having a soul to save, need to know the way to Heaven. The Divine Master himself commanded the Apostles to go throughout the world and preach the Gospel to all creatures (LS 19).

God addresses to all this letter of his [the Bible]; and what an ungrateful heart one would show if, having received a letter from his distant father, did not bother to open it and read it (LS 19-20)

The Bible is divine because it has God as its author. In fact, the true and primary author of Holy Scripture are not the sacred writers such as Moses, David, St Matthew, St Luke, etc.; but it is the Holy Spirit; it is He who inspired the writer to write everything and only what was according to his holy will (LS 16).

This mysterious book [the Bible]... is full of mysteries and sublime truths; the destiny of humanity and the Wisdom of God are contained therein: just as Jesus Christ is contained sacramentally under the species of the Eucharistic Bread (LS 15-16).

The Bible is not an ordinary book, but a divine book and that to read it with solar or electric light, or with reason alone, is not enough, but a supernatural light is still necessary (LS 9).

Receive me, O Mother, Teacher and Queen Mary, among those you love, nourish, sanctify and guide, in the school of Jesus Christ, Divine Master... My Master, Jesus Christ, gave himself entirely to you, from the Incarnation to the Ascension; for me this is doctrine, example and ineffable gift: I too place myself entirely in your hands (PR 171).

Man had fallen into the deepest abyss of evil and had lost the way to heaven; but the good Heavenly Father, moved with compassion, comes to his aid and decides to write him this letter [the Bible] and thus show him once again the way to salvation (LS 15).

The Bible is divine because it speaks to us about divine things: in it we learn to know who God is, what his attributes are, how He is our beginning and our end: we know the reason for our existence on earth, the absolute need to save ourselves (LS 16).

The Sacred Scripture was not abandoned to any Publisher, but was entrusted by God to a single Publisher: the Church, which infallibly interprets it, jealously guards it (LS 17).

The Holy Bible brings before the eyes of the reader, almost in a magnificent film, all of humanity with its greatness and defects, with its falls and ignorance, in order to teach how it must regulate its life, how to overcome passions and acquire virtues, in order to be crowned victor in heaven one day (LS 16).













Established in 1905; in Hong Kong since 1978.


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