To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the death of our founder, Blessed James Alberione, we will reflect on his words and use them as our daily guide.
St Joseph made no noise, but his life was all within him and the external manifestations were a result, a reflection of the interior. St Joseph was very obedient to the prescriptions of the Mosaic law; he was most obedient in carrying out the will of God. May he then obtain for us this interior life (APD56, 226).
Jesus prays that the apostles be holy, that they distinguish themselves well from the world, that is, that they no longer have the thoughts of the world, the sentiments of the worldly, nor the words, nor the actions of those who follow the world (APD56, 282).
O St Joseph, we venerate you as the model of workers, the friend of the poor, the consoler of the suffering and emigrants, the saint of Providence... Help with your prayers those who struggle in intellectual, moral and material work (PR 224-225).
Our number one enemy is pride, the arrogance that pushes God’s graces away from us and also from men. The humble is pleasing to God, the humble is also pleasing to men. And above all, the humble keeps winning graces from morning to evening (APD56, 57).
A sign that one is working interiorly is this: that the person always enjoys greater peace, even in difficulties, contradictions, temptations, etc., and almost becomes even a little silent inasmuch as his soul is united with God, he feels that Jesus is in his heart, he is his treasure (APD56, 307).
O God, who to communicate your love to men you sent your only Son, Jesus Christ, to earth and made him Master, Way and Truth and Life of humanity, grant that the instruments of social communication... may always be used for your glory and for the good of souls (PR 256).
When there is no interior life, this work on us, is always more turbulent; there is an ever greater need to take care of this, of that, outside of ourselves... Why? Because that inner union with Jesus is not cultivated (APD56, 307).
Will means wilfulness, it means being resolute, it means having in the soul to give all of one’s strength, all of one’s energies to the Lord; it means... loving the Lord more and more, having an ever firmer hope, an ever more heartfelt faith (APD56, 29).
Grow in holiness! And so growing in holiness does not mean looking down on others, it means elevating ourselves to God in humility and faith and love. Looking down on others in order to elevate us to ourselves is basically the domain of selfishness, it is envy taken to the heights and indeed to the most deleterious consequences (APD56, 291).
Deign, O Divine Master, to make our souls enlightened in faith, thirsty for perfection, enkindled in the spirit of prayer, so that we can make our own Maggiorino’s resolution: “To progress a little every day” (PR 257).
What are the signs that a person works interiorly?... Spiritual work is carried out in the mind and heart, first of all, but then it manifests itself externally: from the fruits you will know who works and who does not (APD56, 306).
Whoever is your devotee, O Mary, is saved; whoever is very devoted to you becomes a saint. Oh! happy hope, oh! sweet confidence! I desire to be your devotee: I take refuge in your arms, I entrust myself entirely to you (PR 155).
To you, Sanctifying Spirit, I consecrate my will: guide me in the will of God, sustain me in the observance of his Commandments, in the fulfilment of my duties. Grant me the gift of Fortitude and the Holy Fear of God (PR 66).
O Mother, today we consecrate to you all the pens, the machines, the initiatives, the hardships of daily work. Most of all we consecrate ourselves to you, our strength, our intelligence, our will, our heart; we are all yours, and whatever we have we offer it to Jesus through your hands, O dear Mother (PR 172-173).
O Mary, Mother of the Good Shepherd, here is before you a little sheep of your flock and of Jesus. I am a lost sheep: save me, O refuge of sinners. I am looking for the way to heaven: enlighten me, Mother of good counsel. I am weak and shy: carry me in your arms, O powerful Virgin (PR 169).
To you, Spirit of Truth, I consecrate my mind, my imagination, my memory: enlighten me. That I may know Jesus Christ Master and understand his Gospel and the doctrine of the Holy Church. Increase in me the gift of Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding, Counsel (PR 65-66).
O Holy Spirit, elevate divinely: intelligence with the gift of Understanding, wisdom with the gift of Wisdom, knowledge with Knowledge, prudence with Counsel, justice with Piety, fortitude with the gift of spiritual Strength, temperance with the Fear of God (PR 65).
The Holy Spirit on the one hand is light and, on the other hand, is spiritual warmth, comfort for our souls (APD56, 311).
O Holy Spirit, through the intercession of the Queen of Pentecost: heal my mind from lack of reflection, ignorance, forgetfulness, obstinacy, prejudice, error, perversion, and conceive Wisdom, Jesus Christ-Truth in everything (PR 64).
O Holy Spirit, heal my sentimentality from indifference, distrust, bad inclinations, passions, sentiments, affections, and conceive good taste, sentiments, inclinations, Jesus Life, in everything (PR 64).
Let Jesus be master of all our being... If pride reigns, there is no humility of Jesus; if avarice reigns, attachment to the things of the world, there is no poverty of Jesus; if envy reigns, there is no charity of Jesus; if anger reigns, there is no meekness of Jesus... (APD56, 276).
The Heavenly Father provides for all; this Jesus who came to shed his blood for all men; this Holy Spirit who wants to enter and possess, fill every soul with himself... It is right, it is praiseworthy that we continually and everywhere show our gratitude to God (APD56, 49).
Grace is the soul of the soul and grace is what makes us children of God and therefore makes us work, it leads us to work on a higher plane that we call supernatural and it is what makes us heirs of heaven, co-heirs of Jesus Christ (APD56, 317).
Fortitude is the third [cardinal] virtue, and fortitude is a gift of the Holy Spirit. It is necessary to ask God for fortitude, as a cardinal virtue and as a gift of the Holy Spirit (APD56, 54).
The Church is born in the arms of Mary, there, on the day of Pentecost. And just as Mary had carried Jesus in her arms, so Mary carries the Church in her arms until she is somewhat strengthened and therefore she can begin her journey, always assisted still, however, by Mary from heaven (APD56, 83).
When there is faith, it is the Holy Spirit who dwells in us, who reasons, who applies, who sees and makes us see. He makes us see things differently... he makes us see them as we will see them at the point of death... he also makes us see them later on: a little bit as we will see them in Paradise (APD56, 429).
To you, Life-giving Spirit, I consecrate my heart: guard and increase in me the divine life and consume me in your love. Grant me the gift of Piety. Amen (PR 66).
The great gift of life. The Lord, among all possible creatures, has chosen us and therefore always our gratitude to the Lord (APD56, 316).
First, let us ask ourselves: am I an observant of the commandments? Second, do I live the Christian life? Do I have firm faith, do I have firm hope, do I have firm, constant charity? Am I in these virtues? And do I live religious life, that is, poverty, chastity, obedience, common life? (APD56, 323).
The Lord does not simply command, but offers his help so that what was difficult in the commandments, we can accomplish with his divine grace... and what is difficult... becomes easy with his help. Jesus does not leave us alone, he accompanies us: “I am with you, do not be afraid” (APD56, 325).
To you, heavenly Father, I offer, give and consecrate myself as a son. To you, Jesus Master, I offer, give and consecrate myself as a brother and disciple. To you, Holy Spirit, I offer, give and consecrate myself as a “living temple” to be consecrated and sanctified (PR 57).
Our foundress
Venerable Thecla Merlo
night of 31 December 1900 and felt obliged “to do something for God and for the people of the new century.”
Our founder Blessed James Alberione
Fr James Alberione encountered the Lord in the
Eucharistic adoration on the
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