Blessed James Alberioine

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Prayer Intentions 2024

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Prayer Intention for February

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Prayer Intention for April

Prayer Intention for May

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Prayer Intentions 2025

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Prayer Intentions 2022

Prayer Intentions 2021


To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the death of our founder, Blessed James Alberione, we will reflect on his words and use them as our daily guide.


I firmly believe, my God, in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, as I believe in the resurrection of the body. Every day I want to rise to new life, to deserve to rise again in the glory of the last day (PR 108).

“Love your neighbour as yourself.” And this means that we must think of our neighbour as we think of ourselves and as we would like others to think of us; and we must wish our neighbour the good we would like for ourselves (APD56, 143).

O Jesus, divine model of humility and obedience, make me similar to you. O perfect example of mortification and purity, make me similar to you. O poor and patient Jesus, make me similar to you. O exemplar of charity and ardent zeal, make me similar to you (PR 83).

Jesus wants to live in us! Our thoughts must disappear because we take his thoughts... Our desires, our sentiments must disappear, because Jesus wants to place his sentiments, his heart in us. Our own will has to disappear... because Jesus wants to place his will in us (APD56, 271).

Always, only, in everything: the words that please God. It is understood that in the church the tongue says beautiful and most holy things. And that things be beautiful and most holy even outside the church... That the tongue be used only for what is good... Sanctification of the tongue (APD56, 180).

There is a commentary on the Gospel on those words of Scripture: “Bene omniafecit”: Jesus did all things well. All... And if that person must study, study well; if one must pray, pray well; and if one must deal with the Sisters, treat them well... Here it is: think well, love what is  good, do what is good (APD56, 183).

Lord, I entrust myself totally to you. I hope, because you are merciful to the children who trust in you. I hope, because you are omnipotent, you can, therefore, fulfil all my desires. I hope, because you have promised us Paradise and all the help to attain it (PR 311-312).

What is the principal evil of the present life, if we consider humanity as a whole? Forgetting heaven or not believing in it or not thinking about it enough, superficially, without meditating on it, Paradise, and therefore with little effect on our resolutions. Paradise.The true life (APD56, 403).

Knowledge of the liturgy. One can know the liturgy in its technical, external form, but what matters most is to know the liturgy in its spirit, that which animates it... one must penetrate its meaning (APD56, 623).

O Heavenly Father, I thank you for having chosen St Gabriel among the Angels to bring the announcement of the Incarnation and Redemption of humanity. Mary accepted the announcement with faith, and your Son became incarnate and, dying on the cross, redeemed all men (PR 233).

There is a will that can be described as lukewarm... One would like to be united with God, to have high elevations, but one does not make an effort to have interior recollection and to habitually maintain union with God (APD56, 32).

Hence, abandoning ourselves in the care of the heavenly Father, of our God... There are, at times, even interior torments, travails, but... the heavenly Father, wanting us to be saints, prepares for us the means, the occasions, the joys, the pains, what is necessary, for us to achieve this holiness (APD56, 194).

Prepare a beautiful gift to God: a pure mind, a pure heart, a pure, integral life. Everything, always, only for Jesus! That we think and desire and do things so well that we can bring them all to Jesus during Communion, offer them to him (APD56, 185).

When we are generous with the Lord in giving ourselves fully to him, he, Jesus, does not let himself be outdone in generosity, he always gives more than what we deserve and what we know how to ask and sometimes leads us along ways that seem mysterious (APD56, 193).

Oh, if we abandon ourselves in God, if we have this faith that we are loved by him; if we are convinced that what happens, what the Lord disposes or allows... it is always disposed and willed in wisdom, infinite wisdom of our God, and in love, in infinite love of our God! (APD56, 194).

As Jesus gave his life for us, so we must spend ours for him. We give a little of it every day; today we give it for today, all in the service of God, all for the love of Jesus; our strength, the strength we have today, let us consume for Jesus, in holy works (APD56, 222).

Souls who truly live the life of God, live in God and Jesus Christ lives in them. We ask to be imbued with these heavenly gifts because we always think as Jesus thought, we always follow and act as Jesus did, we always speak as Jesus spoke (APD56, 226).

Let there not be some little holy thoughts and some unholy thoughts in the mind; and in the heart let there not be some holy sentiments and some unholy sentiments; and in life let there not be holy and unholy works together, but only and always all holy in the mind, in the heart, in life (APD56, 173).

We always must sanctify the mind, therefore instruct ourselves, in the apostolate. And then sanctify the heart, then love the apostolate out of love for Jesus. And then sanctify the will, then carry out our apostolate, using the strength we have (APD56, 236).

The interior, because the first sanctification concerns the mind and the heart, and the interior, the interior life, which however is not only ejaculations, the interior life is learning, using the mind well, it is thinking of God, acquiring an ever deeper faith; and with the heart an ever more intense love for God, for the neighbour (APD56, 249).

Be faithful to Jesus by observing the evangelical counsels of perfection that he has given us; be faithful to him by keeping the holy commandments; be faithful to him by receiving well the sacraments which are the means of grace, the means by which the life of Jesus Christ is

shared in the soul, shared to man (APD56, 257).

Where there is charity there is God, and where there is no charity, a person could also perform wonders because of ability, for business, to dominate over others, to teach, to be admired in virtues, to perform different works, more difficult than the others, “it would be of no use to me” (APD56, 263).

O Jesus Good Shepherd, Way, Truth and Life of our souls... Enlighten us with the wisdom of your Gospel, strengthen us with the splendour of your examples, nourish us with the divine Eucharist, enkindle us with zeal for the glory of God and the salvation of souls (PR 148).

Instruct yourself, instruct yourself! Take the scraps of time and little by little a set of ascetic instruction, moral instruction, dogmatic instruction, liturgical instruction, canonical instruction, historical instruction, etc., which is not contemptible, considering the minutes and not wasting time on extraneous things (APD56, 244).

Persons who know everything and progress and everywhere humble themselves and ask and try to learn. And persons who are satisfied with one way and see nothing but that, end up having such a small head and therefore interior sanctification is more reduced, much reduced (APD56, 248).

Our sanctification lies precisely in sanctifying the mind, and sanctifying the heart, and sanctifying the life, the strengths, that is, giving God what we have, giving God the talents we have, spending them for him (APD56, 248).

The mind is the root of all our work and therefore if the root is healthy, good, the plant will grow and will bear fruits, will bear flowers. Internal sanctification. Do not waste your time there, in the interior. Everything that is extraneous to us or that is outside of what God wants, outside God’s will, is time lost (APD56, 252).

Love, because God is love and therefore where there is charity, there is love, which is God. And where there is no charity, there is no love, because love is God. So now: examination on mutual charity (APD56, 264).

It requires everything: the mentality of Jesus Christ, the sentimentality of Jesus Christ, the will of Jesus Christ in us. If there is only one part, Jesus does not live in us, as if you put a candlestick on the altar that has only one foot, it does not stand (APD56, 271).

Let us stop specially on this thought: Jesus wants to reign in our souls... When the souls will be totally of him and he will be the master of all sentiments, he will be the center of all hearts, then he will reign. He wants to enter in us, so as to live in us (APD56, 269).































Established in 1905; in Hong Kong since 1978.


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