Blessed James Alberioine

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Prayer Intentions 2024

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Prayer Intentions 2021


To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the death of our founder, Blessed James Alberione, we will reflect on his words and use them as our daily guide.


Joy is supernatural, it is that same joy of God, the joy that comes from the love of the Father towards the Son and from the love of the Father and the Son towards the Holy Spirit. It is infinite bliss. It is love, it is happiness that reigns in the circle of the Three Most Holy Persons. And the soul is allowed to participate in it (APD56, 406).

The earth is all a preparation for heaven. A preparation of the mind, with living faith; a preparation of the heart, with charity; a preparation of the will, with hope and also a preparation of the body (APD56, 410).

O Jesus my Life, my joy and source of all good, I love you. Above all, I ask that I love you more and more and the souls redeemed with your blood. You are in me: may my heart be your heart (PR 84).

Human life, Christian life, religious life... all of this is ordered to heavenly life, that is, the one that is true, eternal, happy life, since the heavenly Father has placed us here, on earth for some time, after having created us, so that we could give proof of our love to him (APD56, 413).

The vow of poverty is the greatest wealth, as the vow of chastity is the greatest love and the vow of obedience is the greatest freedom. And then, here it is: the reward (APD56, 400).

We have to love the Church... because it is the mystical body of Jesus Christ, it is the supernatural society in which we live, which has the same mission as Jesus Christ, the one that continues the mission of Jesus Christ: in teaching and in guiding souls and sanctifying them (APD56, 418).

Believe in Providence that disposes everything for us to arrive at this holiness. To believe that everything that comes to us, whether pleasant or unpleasant, is ordered in God’s wisdom and in his love, and is well ordered (APD56, 423).








O Divine Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, present and active in the Church and in the depths of my soul, I adore you, I thank you, I love you! And through the hands of Mary, my most holy Mother, I offer, give and consecrate all of myself to you, for life and for eternity (PR 57).

Jesus Christ is the foundation stone, the cornerstone, as it stands in Scripture. Now, the day resting on Jesus Christ, the fundamental stone and cornerstone, means taking everything from Jesus; it means through the Eucharistic Jesus, with the Eucharistic Jesus, in the Eucharistic Jesus (APD56, 490).

Pray, unite with God, profess that you love him alone. Pray to observe the resolutions, to live recollected, united with Jesus, to feel Jesus in our heart, throughout the day. Love the Lord with all your heart. Feel him close, deep within (APD56, 476).

Religious life is a life of love... When the self no longer lives... then one loves God with all one’s heart, not with one part; with the whole mind, not with one part; with all the will, all the strength, not with one part. Here is the person truly of God, that is, the religious (APD56, 469).

Union of mind, union of heart. Love Jesus above all things; therefore: above the post one occupies, above the office one occupies, above the things to do and in which we feel most inclined. God, God! To please God; God alone is enough for me; give satisfaction to God, always (APD56, 471).

Do we realize that we are still full of ourselves? And that the Lord cannot be the total Master of our being? That there are too many heart fibres that do not belong to him? They want this, they love that... But be of God! (APD56, 474).

What does it mean to love the Lord with all your heart? Meditation is good, Mass is good, the Visit is good, the examination of conscience is good, confession is good and the same must be said of Communion. These are the means to grow in love for Jesus (APD56, 483).








Charity of mind means thinking good, excusing evil; charity of heart means desiring the good and praying for the good of all; charity of words means speaking well of everyone and keeping silent when it is necessary to keep silent for reasons of charity; and charity of works (APD56, 509).

O Divine Holy Spirit, eternal love of the Father and of the Son, I adore you, I thank you, I love you, I ask your forgiveness for all the times that I have grieved you in myself and in my neighbour (PR 65).

We must take the lead in piety, in daily observance... to have wisdom, to be enlightened to understand the needs of all and how to direct souls towards a greater love for Jesus, and precede these souls in the exercise of patience, humility and obedience... and to pray for all (APD56, 515).




Sanctification is made of small things, like a piece of cloth, even if it is 2,000 meters long, it is always made of small threads. And life, even a long one, is made up of minutes; and the sanctification of the minutes lies here, that which matters, that which is the secret of success of great holiness (APD56, 426).

God tempted Abraham, that is, he tried Abraham and Abraham believed hoping against all hope and Abraham always bowed to God’s will, despite the fact that he saw everything to the contrary and therefore he became the father of the people, that is, of the people who believe, of those who have faith (APD56, 425).










If there is faith, those difficulties that seem like mountainsto us, eventually melt like ice in the sun. If there is faith in overcoming ourselves, pride, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, the pride of life, laziness, overcoming envy, etc. If there is faith, we will conquer ourselves (APD56, 431).

In religious life there is no work that would generally involve heroism. Heroism lies in continuing with constancy, practicing the three theological virtues and the four cardinal virtues. Live according to these virtues, moment by moment (APD56, 427).

If God desires the good, the salvation of men, we must have the same desire. And if Jesus Christ gave his life for his brothers and sisters, for all souls, should we not also be ready to make some sacrifices for souls? (APD56, 451).

Charity towards one’s neighbour, what is it? It consists of three points: of mind, of heart, of works, that is, of will: in thinking well and in desiring, wanting the good and doing the good (APD56, 450).

We must trust God to continually assist us with his grace. Always, the Lord continuously offers us his help. If we are not good, it is not because God’s goodness is lacking... it is because our goodness is lacking, because we do not accept grace, because with our freedom, we neglect it or reject God’s grace (APD56, 437).

Graces are continually needed, since St Augustine says: The Lord, by commanding, does not order impossible things, but while he commands, he wants you to do what is possible, what you can do (APD56, 438).

Faith makes us see God; hope makes us desire it effectively, desire Paradise, the graces necessary to reach it. And charity, on the other hand, makes us want God, that is, love God, indeed united already with him, it puts us in possession of God (APD56, 449).

Here, many times, the love of God, we do not know how to find out if it really exists in us. But it is easier to discover if there is love of neighbour and if there is love of neighbour, there is love of God (APD56, 451).

Then there is to be avoided everything that is contrary to charity, namely: words that ridicule others, words that bring discouragement, non-constructive criticisms, words that hurt one person or another, the way of speaking that does not conform to charity, the way of dealing, the way of responding (APD56, 461).

One needs to be vigilant when feeling to say something bad, because the most serious evil that one brings to the Congregation is to begin to sow discord, suspicion against one or the other, especially since very often this depends on selfishness, on self-love (APD56, 463).

Love is union of mind, heart, will. Therefore, having faith and having the spirit of faith is already love with the mind; and wanting to follow the commandments, the evangelical counsels, is already charity because one is united with God (APD56, 467).

Having charity means preferring God to everyone, to everything and to ourselves... Whoever spends his life daily in the service of God, in the apostolate, in the fulfilment of the religious life and related duties, here too there is the full love of God, the complete love of God (APD56, 468).






Established in 1905; in Hong Kong since 1978.


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