Blessed James Alberioine

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Prayer Intentions 2024

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Prayer Intention for April

Prayer Intention for May

Prayer Intention for June

Prayer Intention for July

Prayer Intention for August

Prayer Intention for September

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Prayer Intention for December

Prayer Intentions 2023

Prayer Intentions 2022

Prayer Intentions 2021

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To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the death of our founder, Blessed James Alberione, we will reflect on his words and use them as our daily guide.


O Lord, Almighty God, who brought us to the beginning of this year, preserve us during this time from evil with your grace; so that in this year we commit no sin; but that we fulfil your will in everything, sanctifying thoughts, desires, actions (PR 266).

The Lord reveals many things to the [virgin] soul; how the Lord Jesus exercises a particular attraction over this soul and communicates consolations and establishes a true friendship, which is demonstrated precisely with the exchange of goods: I am yours and you are mine; you are mine and I am yours (APD56, 85).

Many times, O Heavenly Father, you have spoken to us in the Scriptures, in the Prophets, in your Son; today you teach us through the Church, the infallible Teacher. I pray you, enlighten me more and more; this is eternal life: to know you, Father, and your Son, our only Master (PR 68).

Have the purpose, the commitment in mind: attend to perfection and carry out one’s apostolate. Then the words come true: “What a beautiful and joyful thing to live together as brothers who love each other!” (APD56, 223).

Ask for progress, ask for victory over passions, ask for virtues: theological, in the first place; secondly, cardinal; and, thirdly, the religious virtues, those which are then elevated by means of the vow. And also ask for the moral virtues such as patience, obedience, docility (APD56, 64).

This day is very important for you since it marks your birthday, it remembers the anniversary of your birth. Many years from today, by divine will, those who were to be dedicated to your special apostolate have been set aside (APD47, 140).

The Eucharistic day is nourished, in the first place, by Communion; secondly, by the Mass; thirdly, by the hours of adoration. That is, to come to Jesus, for the love of Jesus; to come to Jesus, with the help of Jesus; to come to Jesus and be with him; to come to Jesus and pray in him (APD56, 490).

Prima Maestra, even in her simplicity, is the most profound that I know among the daughters of St Paul in knowing Jesus. As how Jesus is: her faith! And how Jesus is our nourishment: her prayer life. And how we must give him: that word, “this one does good; this one does no good” (Convegnocatechisticopaolino, 1960, 36).

Sincerity is recognizing ourselves as we are, without condemning more than what is condemnable because involuntary defects and imperfections always happen; but also

without excusing what is truly negligence... Let us be honest with ourselves, let us recognize how we stand before God (APD56, 44).

The Visit makes us feel united with God, it puts us in more intimate communication with God again, because if the electric wire is cut, the electric current no longer reaches either the stove or the flatiron, the light no longer arrives (APD56, 62).

Sanctify Lent. To overcome evil and to walk towards God, to walk in sanctification, to progress, to perfect oneself during this time. To make resolutions and to perform prayer to sanctify Lent as the Church teaches (APD67, 84).

First, vigilance over thoughts, over the heart; sins are always done first in the mind and in the heart than with actions. Watch over and guard the interior life (APD56, 92).

Illness is a time of sanctification, a mercy granted by God to give a space of time for the penance of sins, to reflect on ourselves, to recollect more ourselves, to live more united with God. Get used to doing the will of God even when we are not well (Prediche a Grottaferrata e Albano, 1954, 128).

To move our steps.Towards what? Our destiny is heaven and we must prepare for heaven. Our life is a preparation for heaven (APD56, 45).

All of spiritual life is founded on the three theological virtues: faith, hope and charity. By faith, we believe in God; by hope we desire heaven, we desire God; and by charity, we love God (APD56, 96).

From the theological virtues all the other virtues then develop, as if from a seed; the cardinal, the religious, the moral virtues; and, according to how we are well grounded in these three virtues, we can construct our spiritual building well (APD56, 96).

Let us believe that the Lord put us on this earth, that we came out of his creative hands for a purpose, which is: to know, love and serve him here below and to go eternally to heaven with our heavenly Father (APD56, 98).

Lent, this time serves us to turn our gaze and thoughts to the Crucified. The Good Shepherd gives his life for the sheep, in this mystery there is the whole lesson, all the divine apostolate of the Good Shepherd (Pastorelle, 7, 29).

A small act of virtue, a little prayer said from the heart... a good work done without anyone seeing it; a thought, an inner desire, an act of inner love of God, an inner battle won are, for the most part, things of the moments and yet the reward is eternal (APD56, 120).

The Holy season of Lent leads us to devotion to Jesus Christ crucified. The Divine Master teaches us from the cross more with examples than with words and therefore he is truly the only Master, because the other teachers are instructors, but Jesus Christ, in addition to teaching, preceded us with example (APD58, 30).

Many times one lacks faith. Does that grace seem too great? But we have little reverence for God, instead. We must consider his power, his goodness! Almighty God, good God the Father (APD56, 59).

Allow, O Lord, that I believe more and more every day; and that I always see things ... in the light of God and that my reasonings be conformed to faith, inspired by faith, enlightened by faith (APD56, 105).

Faith is a supernatural gift, it is a light which illuminates the whole journey of life... It is not enough to recite the formulas ..., this faith must penetrate the whole soul, so that the reasonings, thoughts, sentiments and the whole life be ordered to paradise, to heaven (APD56, 101).

The Lord thinks continually of us, he thinks continually of his children and not only provides clothing and a house and bread... The Lord intervenes in all moments of our lives and guides us with wisdom and love in all our steps (APD56, 106).

O Jesus, Divine Master, I bless and thank your most sweet heart for the great gift of the Church. She is the Mother who instructs us in the truth, guides us on the way to heaven, communicates supernatural life to us... Grant me the grace to love her, as you have loved her and sanctified her in your blood (PR 136-137).

What is the Visit, if not approaching Jesus to speak to him, to hear him, to receive, to profess our love to him, to offer him our heart, our existence. The Visit made with faith leaves a boundless joy in the soul, a great consolation (APD56, 110).

If the Lord has promised, if he has commanded to pray, he therefore wants to hear us; he wants to listen to us. And if he himself taught us to ask … it is a sign that he wants to listen to us, that he has prepared graces for us, graces for everyone. Then: pray with firm trust (APD56, 122).

Charity, the love of God, which absorbs and includes all the other resolutions, synthesizes all the other virtues, is the point of arrival. Since the spiritual building is based on faith, is raised on hope and is fulfilled and completed with charity. If faith is the foundation, hope forms the walls of the building, charity is the fulfilment (APD56, 131)

We are sometimes frightened by difficulties, but this depends on forgetting that the Lord does not command impossible things, but while he commands, he orders us to do what we can and ask for what we cannot. Ask. Pray (APD56, 123).






























Established in 1905; in Hong Kong since 1978.


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