Blessed James Alberioine

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Prayer Intentions 2021

Prayer Intention for January

Prayer Intention for February

Prayer Intention for March

Prayer Intention for April

Prayer Intention for May

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Prayer Intention for July

Prayer Intention for August

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Prayer Intention for December

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Prayer Intentions 2024

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To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the death of our founder, Blessed James Alberione, we will reflect on his words and use them as our daily guide.


Jesus Christ, our Master, enlighten our minds to understand and meditate on the Divine Scriptures. Render our wills docile to the examples and the precepts of your gentleness ... O Lord, may I know you, love you, live in you and may I enjoy you forever in eternity (Prayers of the PF).

Love. Love always more. Love after the example of Jesus Christ, adding the reason that we are united as a single family:we have the heart of St. Paul (RSP, p. 187).

The apostle will know the time and place to remove the veil that hides from our gaze the inner life of the Virgin Mary and highlight how uncomplicated and orderly it is... A life that can be summed up in what should be the ideal of every Christian: All for Jesus, all with Jesus, all in Jesus (AE, 204).

To comprehend what one means when one emphasizes: «The apostolate must have a pastoral colour». What does it mean? To have this mentality: to know the value of souls (FSP61*, p.165).

The Blessed Virgin gave us the Saviour. It uses the verb“edidit”. The publication includes the creative concept, the study to produce an object that is at the same time liturgical and artistic. It also includes the work of the Sisters who prepare themselves to teach catechism to children more effectively,and in charity, illustrate it (RSP, pp. 547-548).

Let our apostolate be humble: it is enough that we use in it all the talents we have received; it is enough that we perform it with diligence for the love of God and for the good of souls (RSP, p. 149).

A terrible enemy that entraps and often dominates in every sphere education, study, initiatives, administrations, etc., is the spirit of self-sufficiency, that leads to proceed according to one’s own viewpoint, without consulting or getting advice.It has all its confidence in its own ideas (CISP, p. 335).

Ask Jesus for his charity as a Good Shepherd, that is, to give your life for souls. «Charity will never end» (PrP VIII, p. 91).

In Communion Jesus unites himself with us in order to transform us into himself... «It is Jesus that transforms us into Himself and not we that transform Him into our substance.The superior being is the one who assimilates the inferior». Jesus unites Himself with us to transform us and to make us with him «one heart and one soul» (AE, 79).

In some houses there is always a smile; there one sees a serenity in all of them; one feels that there is truly a Pauline environment, cordial, of mutual understanding, piety, and of constant and mutual help. There resides the Lord and the sisters dwell with the Lord (FSP-SdC, p. 355).











The memory of the good Pope (John XXIII) remains with us always. And in his memory, there is the commitment to study and follow the teachings he taught us in the Encyclical Mater et Magistra and Pacem in Terris. But above all, there remains a commitment to follow the example that he left us as a Good Shepherd (CISP, p. 323).

The sign that one is progressing is precisely that of getting to know one another better, because until one gets to know each other better, one does not change or even suspect that one has to improve (FSP58, p. 246).

The discussion, the ways of thinking, reasoning, and action, the exercise of the apostolate, must form a whole, we cannot separate one thing from the other (FSP58, p. 146).

You have said with generous heart the words: «I wholly give, offer, consecrate myself». The value of the offering lies especially in this adjective: whole, which means loving the Lord with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your strength, and with all your will (AAP60, 634).

What does the Congregation mean? It means an assembly...And it pleases the Lord if His Spirit is diffused in all of them and all of them work under the action of the Holy Spirit, always with the right intention and always in the desire that the first two articles be practiced: individual sanctification and apostolate specific to the Institute (AP 1958/2, pp. 224-225).

Jesus forgave with such breadth and he forgives us every week, every day: let us forgive others as we want to be forgiven ourselves (AP 1959, p. 126).

To strive for holiness is not to lower others, it is to raise ourselves up to God in humility and in faith and love. To lower others in order to elevate ourselves is, after all, the very essence of selfishness (APD56, 291).

All are called to holiness. And just as there is only one vocation, so there is only one body: consider yourselves a moral body; a single spirit: a union of spirits; like a single hope... (AP 1958/2, p. 141).

The Pauline Family owes a great debt to Father Timothy Giaccardo; and from every point of view. He had understood the necessity, the conditions, the efficacy of the apostolate of the press, in its various forms. He had completely understood the spirit of the future Congregation, even before he joined. He was a gift of Bishop Giuseppe Francesco Re to the institution (UPS III, 240).

This self-denial is not confined to obligations towards one another but extends outwards. Self-denial is often a requisite for taking up an office and offering one’s services for the needs of the community and the Congregation. «One heart,one soul» (UPS IV, 221).

This is the first visit to Jesus which marked his public life: a one-day visit. It changed them. It was the first model of the Visit. It highlights the precious benefits that the Visit to Jesus produces in a soul (UPS II, 104).

Master Giaccardo not only had a great heart, but also abroad mind. When he entered the Society of Saint Paul and to him was added as ordinary title that of “Master”, he oriented himself toward the divine Master and understood what role he had to fill; and he accomplished it faithfully (RSP, p.348).

Devotion to the rosary is a devotion that is easy, efficacious,and adapted to all times, places, and persons. Each mystery proposes for us teaching to extract, a virtue to practice, a grace to ask (RSP, p. 61).

There are paternal visitations... These are visits that are awaited, meetings that are longed for; they are like a ray of sunlight that brightens up everything. The greater the frequency the better will be the results (UPS III, 77).

We do not acquire love if we do not have in our minds the true concept of charity and the true reasons why we must love. The first reform must be done in our thoughts, the second in our feelings. Then reform the thoughts, then will come the reformation of the heart... and then we attain charity in the whole of life (FSP58, pp. 250-251).

The life of prayer is continuous breathing, as we must continuously breathe the air... And so, we will always put the Spirit of God in us and we will always drive out the human spirit, the spirit that is borne only by sensuality or human reasoning. The soul then reasons and thinks according to faith (FSP58, p. 421).

The publishing apostle must always incline his mind, heart,and will to think, work, and feel with the Church and, hence,to write in conformity with her teaching. In short, he has to have a childlike heart for her who has a mother’s heart for all (AE, 35).

Human intelligence should adhere in such a way to God’s intelligence as to be enlightened with the radiance of faith and be able to see all and judge all in God’s light (AE, 80).

The Pauline apostolate calls for an effective group of writers,technical people, and distributors. Everyone must be in harmony just like orchestra players tune-up before giving a performance (UPS I, 288).

Let there be not only external observances but let all human beings go to God and let the whole person be grafted into Christ, the Way, Truth, and Life. Then: «Christ lives in me».And each one becomes, before God, a host, because there is the total offering of self to the Lord (APD58, 84).

By faith we understand: the Heart of the Divine Master, who preaches and invites all men to himself: «Come to me all»;St. Paul «Doctor of the Gentiles» was carrying in his large heart all men; the Queen of the Apostles who is a guide to all the children of the Heavenly Father, missionaries, preachers,apostles (ACV, p. 142).






















Established in 1905; in Hong Kong since 1978.


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