Blessed James Alberioine

About Our Founder

Prayer Intentions 2021

Prayer Intention for January

Prayer Intention for February

Prayer Intention for March

Prayer Intention for April

Prayer Intention for May

Prayer Intention for June

Prayer Intention for July

Prayer Intention for August

Prayer Intention for September

Prayer Intention for October

Prayer Intention for November

Prayer Intention for December

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Prayer Intentions 2024

Prayer Intentions 2023

Prayer Intentions 2022

Our Beginnings More About Us Our Founder Our Foundress The Pauline Family Family Time


To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the death of our founder, Blessed James Alberione, we will reflect on his words and use them as our daily guide.


Jesus the Priest and Mary his Mother are always united in the plan of redemption: and therefore they always remain united in the economy of grace: Mary is the mediator and distributor of grace until the end of times (APD46, 25).

O Jesus good Shepherd, Way, Truth and Life, turn a merciful glance on your sheep. Enlighten us with the wisdom of your Gospel, strengthen us with your examples, nourish us with the Eucharist, fill us with zeal for the glory of God and the salvation of men (Prayers of the PF).

There are souls who speak the language of faith in all circumstances. Souls that the world does not understand and believes that they are foolish. Did not many saints and Wisdom itself, Jesus Master, were judged as mad? (ACV, p. 53).

There is separation between the Congregations; but there is an exchange of prayers, of help, in many ways: the activity is separate, but there will be a sharing in the joys and sufferings,and in the eternal reward (AD, 35).

May your belonging to Jesus be total in order to consider everything as He is; the eyes see as the eyes of Jesus see, the same can be said of hearing and of any other sense (PrP, VIII, p. 57).

Jesus who comes to our heart, comes to nourish the intelligence and therefore comes to attract the soul so that this soul full of faith may think as Jesus thinks. Yes! You who must then teach others this love of God, first of all, obtain it,exercise it: the union of the mind with God (AAP58, 128).

Our life is not meant to be a burden for many, a feast for a few; but it is a commitment towards everyone, for their own betterment and for the good of others: therefore sociability(ACV, p. 137).

There is a close relationship between the Congregations, because they are all born from the Tabernacle. One spirit: to live Jesus Christ, and to serve the Church ... Between them there is a close spiritual, intellectual, moral and economic collaboration (AD, 34).

Put together the energies! Creating common life. This does not mean only: the same soup, the same habit, the same house ... There are qualities in us that we bring into the Congregation and is channelized into the Congregation, for the purposes of the Congregation, that is, sanctification and apostolate (FSP59, p. 217).

Even a sick person who cannot accomplish great things and who must expect everything from others, can become a great saint. But it will be said: «He did nothing». Instead, he did a lot; he did everything: he was united with Jesus (RSP, p.152).

Since divine life is communicated to us by the Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ, it is necessary that we incorporate ourselves into Jesus Christ to be with him and in him of the Father in the Holy Spirit (AE, 85).

Mary in heaven is the mediator and distributor of grace ...She thinks of all her children, provides for all her children,prays for all her children, give all her children all help and assistance. To the children of all times and of all places (BM,p. 397).

In activities, be inspired by charity: love for God, the Church, pastors, congregation, superiors, sisters, sinners, the sick, children and for everyone. Only and all for the love of God: even the most humble works are done for the love of God ... (PrP VIII, p. 218).

Do you have a heart for the faithful, for children, for the sick,for sinners ... a heart like that of Jesus? Do you love? Of course you love and your life is all consumed in love. Why do you move, why do you sacrifice yourself? For the love of souls (AAP60, 212).

The Congregation is a society. Society means: the members love each other, they share the same burdens and the same advantages, but they all collaborate together without distinction.Of course, there are always differences in character,education, age etc. But for peace, overlook many things(FSP59, p. 259).

If you know how to keep yourself in humility, how much more fortunate you will be than the proud philosophers, or the great ones of the world, full of themselves! (APD47, 39).

Meeting, listening, considering each other, and right intention,will be ways of understanding, of peace, of greater fruit(ACV, p. 153).

Let us ask Jesus for kindness, the grace to understand how important charity is, and the grace to practice it first at Home and then with others outside. First at Home, because at Home it is more necessary: charity must begin with those closest to us (AP 1960, p. 94).

Do not confuse personality with personalism, fancy and ideas that may be more or less right. Personality in Christ!Therefore, sincere and heartfelt collaboration, because it is the collaboration with the Congregation and, at the same time, it is collaboration with Jesus (APD58, 284).

Knowing how to respect oneself: the saying «charity does not think of evil» applies very well here; therefore: «to think well,to desire well, to speak well, to do good». Knowing how to help: when a family is established in one nation, prepare the entry for the others (ACV, p. 152).

To love the Lord with our whole being, what does it mean? It means to love him with the mind ... One does not always have to think about God, but one has to think about the things that concern God. For example, when one has to do something, do it as best as possible, choose the way one can do it in the best possible way (AP 1960, p. 57).

Submitting our thoughts, our work, our written article, or the initiative that we wanted to take in the office, etc., we hear the opinion of others and we correct and help each other.From everyone there is something to take and something to take away (FSP59, p. 216).

Knowledge is acquired only when study is combined with experience: well-blended book and practice form the humble and effective Pauline in his apostolate (CISP, p. 168).

What a contrast when you live in community with the same preaching, guide, school, activities, superiors, food, but the thoughts of one and the other can be very far away (CISP, p.132).

As for the Church, the real foundation of sociability is the doctrine of the Mystical Body. It is not just a question of external relations: but the same blood of Jesus circulates among the living members of the Church, that is, his very life, which animates everyone: so as to be one body with many members (ACV, p. 148).

We are the cooperators of God, the cooperators of Jesus Christ, the cooperators of the Church. Cooperators of God because this gives life to souls through the sacraments and through the Mass, through prayer and through the apostolate (FSP59, p. 44).

Saint Paul says to the Paulines: know, love, follow the Divine Master Jesus. «Be my imitators as I am of Christ». This invitation is general, for all his faithful and devotees. For us there is more, since we are children. Children have the father’s life; therefore to live in him, by him, for him, to live Jesus Christ (ACV, pp. 62-63).

The Visit is not just a bundle of prayers, it is really a visit, as if you were going to visit a loved one, for example your mother, father ... The visit aims to establish our life in Christ Jesus. That is, to live Jesus, in Jesus, for Jesus, with Jesus. To establish our life in him (FSP59, p. 249).

Collaboration can be given both to the editorial, to the technical and to the propaganda sectors. From here on, follow this road (FSP-SdC, p. 73).

These days I believe the Bible printing is completed. Then there will be paperback and the binding. Make a resolution to read the Bible more, because whoever reads the Bible, especially during the Visit, after supernatural reasons, speaks the Word of God (FSP58, p. 412).




























Form first the wise, just, sociable man ... Above: place the Christian, who follows Jesus Christ, Way, Truth and Life ...Add to it the holy religious, who tends to perfection in common life, in the practice of the evangelical counsels , in the Pauline apostolate (ACV, p. 130).





Established in 1905; in Hong Kong since 1978.


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