To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the death of our founder, Blessed James Alberione, we will reflect on his words and use them as our daily guide.
Mary prepared herself wholeheartedly for Holy Christmas:her thoughts, her affections, and all that was the fulfillment of God’s will. She considered herself God’s docile instrument in this great work: to collaborate, to work for redemption (FSP59, p. 192).
Love of satisfaction that rejoices in the greatness, the virtues,and the privileges of Mary... Love of gratitude for the benefits that she lavishes on us. Love of conformity that has a person strive to conform his will in everything to Mary’s will and consequently to God’s will (AE, 205).
No saint had neglected the virtue of humility. No saint had been wrong on this essential point. A great number of souls lose merit because they consider the external value of the work. «I have succeeded in this, I have accomplished that, I have abilities for this» (RSP, p. 151).
Charity: to love one another very much ... to love one another very dearly in thoughts, feelings, words, and mutual help, in works, each one doing his part (AP 1961, p. 332).
You see Canon Chiesa always kept in front of him all the sheets of paper where the families were registered, in fact,he had done this: on his chest, he wore like a little dress; inside that little piece of cloth was the very small name of all the families of the parish which he recommended in every Mass (AAP60, 224).
To be united to Jesus with the mind is to think like Him, to believe His truths, to think the good. The heart that unites itself completely with Jesus’ heart has the same feelings, it loves God and souls... One is united with the body when the eye, hearing, tongue, touch, everything I have is given to Jesus (PrP VIII, p. 59).
Jesus has preferences and shows particular fondness; he prefers the humble, the insignificant, the simple. He called the shepherds to his crib; they were Jesus’ first apostles because they were the first to speak of him to their acquaintances, without getting up to a teacher’s desk (APD47, 34).
It will be easy to understand the essence of devotion to Mary which is, in other words, «to go to Jesus through Mary» (AE,204).
It is not the great thinkers or the great writers who guide themasses, but opinion makers. Therefore, to guide them is like guiding generals in the army (AE, 155).
«You will love your neighbour as yourself» and that is all the good you desire for yourself, desire it for others, desire it for the neighbour... Not only will the good, or think of the good, but to desire good and to contribute to do good to others, as much as possible (AP 1958/1, p. 171).
How much the love for Jesus grew in Joseph, in the Manger! The Nativity scene always presents us with Saint Joseph in the act of admiring and praying to the Child. How much the love for Jesus grew when he had to flee with him to Egypt! And especially in the intimacy of the house of Nazareth! (RSP, p. 446).
If we really desire to enter into the spirit of the Divine Master,into the intentions whereby he became incarnate, we must have the same programme of life: first, to glorify God in Jesus Christ, with Jesus Christ; and second, to contribute through the apostolate to the second mission of the incarnate Son of God, that is: peace among men (APD58, 288).
Charity among us is very precious, but it is also the most difficult one. Fraternal charity requires what Saint Paul says in his hymn: that it be patient, kind, know how to bear others’ burdens, forgiving (RSP, p. 130).
In the fullness of his love for God and for his fellow human beings, the apostle is to learn how to utilize everything that providence offers him for his goal so that all creatures may raise their hymn of praise to their Creator (AE, 380).
The stairway is Mary who takes grace from God in order to give it to us; from us, she takes away self-love and puts in its place the love of God (DF, 26).
It is necessary that you enter into peaceful observance, always wanting to help yourselves to become holy: help yourselves first with prayers; secondly, with a good example of religious life proper observant; then with working in the apostolate and using the day well at the service of God (AP1959, p. 82).
Change your mind. Saint Paul trusted so much in himself...Then he trusted only in the Lord. Speaking of conversion: from pride to humility (FSP59, p. 42).
I prostrate myself before your cradle, O my Jesus: I recognize you as my God, my Master, my Saviour... I love you; I attend your school to follow you, as a humble disciple, everyday of my life (BM, p. 287).
The Family of Nazareth has given us in this world the best example of such religious family life. Such attention paid to one another! Such mutual respect and concern! Everything was in common: joys and sufferings, trials and consolations (UPS IV, 220).
To be like children, because He Himself became a child. And there he is in the grotto. He became a child so that no man, however great he may be, would find within himself a reason to exalt himself, to be proud of himself (RSP, p. 320).
The manger is Jesus’ first school: I desire to enter it to learn his divine lessons (BM, p. 287).
Jesus called the shepherds and the wise men to his cradle.The shepherds were the first, invited by the Angels... And they went, and they found the child, and they worshipped him. Not the rich, not the wise, not the powerful, not the dignitaries were called first; but the poor, the humble, the simple (BM, p. 288).
O Mary, the Lord made you an apostle to give Jesus, Way and Truth and Life to the world: all Catholics, with all their strength, for all vocations, for all the apostolates... Obtain for us an apostolic heart, modelled after your heart and that of Jesus and St. Paul, so that one day you can have us all, apostles and faithful, around you in heaven (Prayers of the PF).
Get ready for Christmas with Mary. The Immaculate has already prepared us in part, purifying our hearts. Now turn to the crib with love... see if something is missing from the charity, from the spirit of union, see what we can contribute, because we are all one body, the mystical body of Jesus (FSP59, p. 192).
The time given to meditation is not stolen from active works since prayer is more necessary than action. Indeed, apostles are productive to the degree they are animated by their interior life, which is nourished, precisely, by meditation (AE,87).
Take everything from him, the Divine Master dwelling in the Tabernacle; that this is his will; that a great light was to shine forth from the then threatened Family... Let every one consider herself or himself to be a beacon of light, a loudspeaker of Jesus (AD, 157).
Since not everyone comes to God in the same way and all have their individual needs the apostle must learn from his model, Saint Paul, the art of «being all things to all people» and to have that flexibility of adaptation as to treat people accordingly (AE, 37).
Changing continents, being on land, on the sea, in the air; to meet races, other civilizations, different languages: but always the same Mother, always the hearts of children, always the same devotion; how consoling it is! ... To Mary everything, from Mary everything, with Mary everything. She shows everyone her Son on earth (CISP, p. 1016).
People who wear a distinguished habit, people who do distinct things but without union with God, without humility, remain empty-handed at the end: they have performed in a human way (RSP, p. 152).
The whole person in Jesus Christ, in view of loving God completely: intelligence, will, heart, and physical strength. Nature, grace, and vocation: everything [is] for the apostolate. [It is] a cart that runs on the four wheels of sanctity, study, apostolate, and poverty (AD, 100).
The year is ending and how happy are those who have sanctified their days! ... And this sanctification of the year is the faithful correspondence and gratefulness of works done for the Lord. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. May God’s blessing descend upon each of you and remain with you always (FSP59, p. 197).
Our foundress
Venerable Thecla Merlo
night of 31 December 1900 and felt obliged “to do something for God and for the people of the new century.”
Our founder Blessed James Alberione
Fr James Alberione encountered the Lord in the
Eucharistic adoration on the
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