Writing - Opening our Hidden Treasures
Fr Henri Nouwen wrote:
“Writing is not just jotting down ideas. Often we say: "I don't know what to write. I have no thoughts worth writing down." But much good writing emerges from the process of writing itself. As we simply sit down in front of a sheet of paper and start to express in words what is on our minds or in our hearts, new ideas emerge, ideas that can surprise us and lead us to inner places we hardly knew were there … One of the most satisfying aspects of writing is that it can open in us deep wells of hidden treasures that are beautiful for us as well as for others to see.”
And because of Fr Henri’s message above, I am now not afraid to write and share with you my thoughts…Actually, it is because while helping to sell books with the sisters that I came across so many wonderful books of Fr Henri which have inspired me to walk closer with the Lord…
I first met the Daughters of St Paul 20 years ago, when I started my married life here in Hong Kong. I met them in my parish church in Sai Kung Sacred Heart Church. It was during sister Dominique's time...They always invited me to go to their house in Tai Wai to pay them a visit, but I never got to do so, as much as I love to. But, I it always gives me great joy to see them every 2 months in church.
I used to be very active in church before I got married. Church was almost my 2nd home, back then in Singapore. When I came to Sai Kung, it was a shock for me to see a quiet non-active church. I was disappointed and tried to be involved as much as I could. We started the basic Christian community. But, because I had to look after my 2 young babies, I could not do much. I could not bloom where I was planted. I had hibernated for 13years at home. Now, my 2 girls are already teenagers and I am so happy to be able to go back to church to serve God again. I helped to teach catechism in church every Friday evening. I guess it was right timing too to be invited by sister Grace to become a cooperator of the daughters of St Paul in June last year.
I am so happy to be able to help the sisters, get to read more Christian literature, meet new committed helpers with the same goal to spread the gospel through books and media. Most of all, it is indeed a privilege and a blessing to be a part of the Pauline family. I hope God will use us mightily, with the help of St Paul to spread the Gospel's love message to the ends of the earth. May the spirit of St Paul and our patron saint, Blessed James Alberione, lives forever and ever …
Cheryl Pong is a member of the Association of Pauline Cooperators (APC). She is a Singaporean married to a Hong Kong gentleman and has two lovely teenage girls. She has been very faithful in attending the APC Meetings and doing great service with the Daughters of St Paul in their mission of bringing good books and DVDs to the people of Hong Kong through their Book Fair in the churches and in the schools.
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