Apostolic Activities

“Quilling a Rosary” in St. Joseph Catholic Primary School

To celebrate the month of the Rosary, the APCs organized a paper quilling activity …

"Bible Story-telling Competition” in Ping Shek Catholic Primary School

Sr Grace and APCs made use of Bible story-telling competition to evangelise in school …

"Bible StoryBook Sharing" in Ping Shek Catholic Primary School

Sr Grace and two APCs introduced the Bible to the students and showed them ways to read Bible stories...

Missionary Activities in Sai Kung Sung Tsun Primary and Secondary School

It was the second time we organised missionary activities for the students …

Tak Nga Sec School Vocational Activity

Thank God who led Ms Cheung of Tak Nga Secondary School to St. Paul Media Centre…

Sharing at Newman College

Sr Grace Lee and Sr Gesuina Seo visited Newman College and participated in their Catholic Society activities…

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Church book displays


We hope that this sharing has given students a general understanding of the Bible and methods to read Bible stories.  We are glad that Miss Liu has arranged a “Bible Story Telling Competition” on 3rd July. By reading and telling Bible stories, students can develop their creativity and imagination, give expression to their speech capabilities and build up their self-confidence.  But most of all, we hope that the seedlings of the Good News can take root in these little ones and grow and flourish.

Ping Shek Catholic Primary School

"Bible StoryBook Sharing"      

Thank God!  And thank Mr Chow, Principal of Ping Shek Catholic Primary School and Miss Liu for inviting us to their school and share Bible stories with their students.

Ivy Tse

13th February was a beautiful Friday.  Sr Grace and Dominic Lau and I arrived at the school in the afternoon.  Miss Liu had arranged for the Primary 4s and 5s to attend our sharing.  After the students had seated nicely and orderly, we started our sharing with a prayer.  Then we introduced the Bible to the students and showed them ways to read Bible stories.

Sr Grace told the students why she compiled and rewrote these Bible stories and her experience of writing “My Beloved Bible”last year.  The students were very engaged.  They listened attentively and raised their hands to answer questions enthusiastically.