Apostolic Activities

“Quilling a Rosary” in St. Joseph Catholic Primary School

To celebrate the month of the Rosary, the APCs organized a paper quilling activity …

"Bible Story-telling Competition” in Ping Shek Catholic Primary School

Sr Grace and APCs made use of Bible story-telling competition to evangelise in school …

"Bible StoryBook Sharing" in Ping Shek Catholic Primary School

Sr Grace and two APCs introduced the Bible to the students and showed them ways to read Bible stories...

Missionary Activities in Sai Kung Sung Tsun Primary and Secondary School

It was the second time we organised missionary activities for the students …

Tak Nga Sec School Vocational Activity

Thank God who led Ms Cheung of Tak Nga Secondary School to St. Paul Media Centre…

Sharing at Newman College

Sr Grace Lee and Sr Gesuina Seo visited Newman College and participated in their Catholic Society activities…

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Church book displays


Canticle of Praise for the Media

May you be praised Lord God,
for the printed word, bread for our minds, light for lives.

We give thanks for the talents and dedication of all who serve the truth in love

and for all whose technical skills make possible the production of books, newspapers, magazines and reviews.

We celebrate, Lord, the modern marvel of television

which brings into the heart of our homes the joys and the pain of all human living.
Music, drama and laughter are shared in ways undreamed of in the past.

May you be praised, Lord God, for the radio which soars on the wings of the wind

and provides for each nation an immediate channel for news, views and entertainment 
and a means of offering to the listening word its own distinctive voice.

We celebrate, Lord, the writers, artists, directors and all those

whose gifts light up both theater and cinema and

provide audiences with heightened awareness of their human condition.

We thank you, Lord God, for the unending Pentecost of your creative Holy Spirit

which enables your sons  and daughters to catch fire from your

Truth, Beauty and Goodness.

We celebrate the wonder of digital communications manifesting a new iconography
that can link people around the globe in solidarity  of faith, hope and love.

May the blind see, the deaf hear, and the poor have the Good News proclaimed to them
by all who rejoice in their God-given talents and their gift of creativity .


Introducing the Daughters of St Paul and

Sharing My Vocation at Newman College

A while ago, Sister Grace Lee and I visited Newman College and participated in one of their Catholic Society activities.  We introduced the Daughters of St Paul Bookshop to the students and shared my vocation story.  I thought all the students who came to the activity were Catholics.  But to my surprise, only a few of them were and three students saw a nun for the first time.  I also thought that Newman College was a co-educational school but learned that it was a boys’ school until last year when it took in the first batch of girls.

I made use of Powerpoint slides to introduce the spirituality of our founder, Blessed James Alberione, and our prayer as apostolate of social communications.  After that, Sister Grace quizzed them about my presentation.  The students responded enthusiastically.  They also asked us some interesting questions, such as, Why do nuns wear veils?  Must nuns wear sandals? (It happened that Sister Grace and I were wearing sandals on that day.)

We have not prepared any gifts for the students.  We only brought them some bookmarks and our business cards.  I hope that this meeting has deepened their understanding of God and given their vocation a wakening call.  May be some of them would become priests or nuns when they grow up.

Thanks to the teachers for arranging this meeting.  Great thanks, too, to the students for listening to us attentively and for their beautiful hand-made icon of Jesus Christ.

Sr Gesuina Seo