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Wait for the Unexpected

“Year of St. Joseph”

Sr Maria Chen - How I See God

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Wait for the Unexpected

Luke 1: 26-38

The Virgin Mary’s “yes” to the Annunciation has enabled the accomplishment of what had never been heard of.  The age of religion ends and the age of faith begins.  Men have always wanted to ascend to heaven, and now they are exalted by the highest.

Mary is a character that men have been looking forward to.  She has created a space within herself that can make everything possible.  

Mary has created a space within herself.  This is the profound meaning of Mary’s “virginity”: She is a virgin.  Because she has removed her self and self-centeredness, she has “created” an emptiness within herself.  She realises by not taking actions on her own, the greatest thing will happen.

Mary is a disciple.  She teaches us the deepest truth in all spiritual practices - unless it is unexpected, don't expect it.  Just wait for the unexpected.  If we wait for what we think we know, only ghosts will appear.  Waiting must be empty, free, not dominated by demands, not spoiled by desires, and only be grateful for what is to come.

Yes, waiting without a goal is opening up to the unpredictable.  What I am waiting for is not what I want, but what I believe is good for me.  If a traveller expects to discover what he thinks he already knew, he will never experience the joy of discovery.  He will only have superficial understanding of the things he already knew.  The explorer no longer exists.

Taken from a sermon by Don Paolo Scquizzato

“I will sing of your steadfast love, O Lord, forever; with my mouth I will proclaim your faithfulness to all generations.”  (Psalm 89:1)

“I am the way and the truth and the life”  John 14:6


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