14-day Compulsory Quarantine in Hong Kong
At the Hong Kong Airport, in addition to the health checks, we had to take a shuttle bus to another centre to take deep-throat saliva samples and put on a wristband before we could leave. After going through all these procedures, I was very tired.
But from the airport, I did not return to the convent, but went to our warehouse. It was because I was required to comply with compulsory quarantine for 14 days.
Before I arrived in Hong Kong, the sisters had prepared food for me in the warehouse. There were fruit, bread, drinks, etc. Every day, they put lunch boxes at the door for me to collect.
During the period of quarantine, I had to take my body temperature twice a day. If it exceeded 38 degrees, I had to notify the Department of Health immediately. I woke up every morning, took my temperature and attended the online Mass. I prayed and ate on my own every day. I could hear the sound of cars on the street outside but I could not go out. If I left home and was caught, I would be fined or imprisoned.
Jesus has risen! He went through suffering and death before resurrection. We have to remember that before resurrection, there is Passover; before light, there is darkness; and before life, there is death. We are now in difficult times but darkness will pass away because Jesus is with us. He is our hope.
This is a special Easter for me. I spent Easter alone in the warehouse and it felt as if I were in a tomb. As I reflected, God has given us this world as a gift. We should love and care for it, and not damage the environment. The same is true for human relationships. We are brothers and sisters and should care for and help each other. We must remember that Jesus loved us so much that he was willing to die for us. We should carry on with his acts of love.
St Paul Media Centre: Unit 340 Pioneer Centre, 750 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong (Prince Edward MTR Exit B2) Tel: 9127 9624 Opening Hours: Monday 12-6pm; Tuesday-Sunday 12-7pm
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