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Price : $60 158 pages in full colour.
Catholic Bible stories from the Old and New Testaments for Primary 2 to 6 students
in Chinese and English language
with Bible texts called GOLDEN WORDS, to help students remember key words and messages in the Bible.
Illustrated and spoken thoughts of Korean Daughter of St Paul in Hong Kong, in Chinese and English.
Sr Yan Yan has a talent for humorous drawings and cartoons. In the website of the Daughters of St Paul, she contributed one illustrated Thought every month. All the 30 episodes were collected into a book , and added with a spoken reading in Cantonese. You will be amused and inspired by the little attentions that she gave to ordinary life situations promoting peace and wisdom. An excellent gift for yourself and for your friends.
This book shows that God’s love is stronger than sin. It gives us hope to practice love for God, so to be received by God at the end of our life.
This book also answers many questions about the devil, what he looks like, his temptations and his evil actions on us.
It explains magic, evil spells, satanic possession, ethnic objects, and other interesting topics that can help the good Christian to avoid falling into the hands of the devil.
The book advises to pray for deliverance and healing, to ask Mother Mary’s help and protection, and also to pray to our guardian angel. Review by Sr Grace Lee
We Will Be Judged by Love by Fr. Gabriele Amorth, ssp
This book is written for children as young as 3 years old. The outstanding pictures illustrating the Story of Mary clearly tell the children who is this wonderful person called Mary.
Mary is our heavenly Mother, given to us by Jesus himself. Every follower of Jesus wants to know and love this Mother who is guiding, protecting and leading us to her Son, Jesus.
May this book help the young readers to learn about their heavenly Mother Mary who always did what God wanted because she loves God the most. We too, want to do what God wants as Mary did. This is the way to happiness and joy in our life.
Introductory Promotion: Over 10 copies 20% discount. over 20 copies 30% discount
MERE SPIRITUALITY- the spiritual life according to Henri Nouwen
By Wil Hernandez, PhD, Obl, OSB, Foreword by Ronald Rolheiser
Spirituality at its most basic, is attention to the life of the spirit in us.
Here the author says that an authentic spiritual life is centered on the heart.
A heart-filled life consists of three dimensions: 1) a life set apart for God in communion, 2) a life shared with others in bonding and connectedness, 3) a life given to service, hospitality and compassion.
The reader can enjoy all the richness of Henri Nouwen’s books through the skillful synthesis of the author. You need to read this book slowly and attentively to benefit from the spiritual treasures contained in it.
St Paul Publications brings this amazing book at a most modest price. This is sharing God’s love with everyone.
This review was written by Sr Mary Grace Lee, fsp
If your family includes someone with disabilities, you know that congregations can be places of healing or harm, support or lack of care. How can churches better support individuals with disabilities and their families? In Circles of Love, meet people who have received support from caring people in Anabaptist congregations--support that has changed the course of their lives. These are not stories of valor or victory, but rather of ordinary people whose lives have been transformed by circles of love. Learn concrete acts of compassionate care that congregations can take to support people with disabilities and those who love them.
IN THE NAME OF JESUS by Henri Nouwen
CIRCLES OF LOVE by Henri Nouwen
For a society that measures successful leadership in terms of the effectiveness of the individual, Father Nouwen offers a counter definition that is witnessed by a "communal and mutual experience." For Nouwen, leadership cannot function apart from the community. His wisdom is grounded in the foundation that we are a people "called." This beautiful guide to Christian Leadership is the rich fruit of Henri Nouwen's own journey as one of the most influential spiritual leaders of the 20th century.
More books by Henri Nouwen:
THE SECRET GARDEN by Frances Hodgson Burnett
The story of Mary Lennox and her cousin Colin is heart-
warming and absorbing. The characters change as they live their unusual life in the huge mansion set in the Yorkshire moor. The descriptions are vivid and capture our attention.
Why is the book called the secret garden? Everything happened in this secret garden. It was here that the parents of Mary knew perfect happiness. They loved to go to this garden to enjoy the beauty of nature. Here they felt so free and loving. So when Mary’s mother died so tragically in this garden, everything crashed and the garden was completely sealed up because it became a painful reminder of lost happiness.
It took children like Mary and Dickon to bring back happiness to all those who were lost in loneliness and misfortune. After reading this book, you will feel so happy that you are alive and well. And that each day bring so much adventure and goodness, and even the sadness becomes part of our living in this world.
This book is highly recommended to everyone, young and old. You will never forget this story, it will bring you much happiness and joy.
Review by Sr Grace Lee
WHEN YOU CAN’T FIND GOD by Linda Evans Shepherd
The storms of life visit us all, and at times we find ourselves ill-prepared to weather them. Where is God when everything comes crashing down? Where is he when a job is lost? When a child goes astray? When the diagnosis is cancer? Does he even care?In When You Can't Find God, Linda Evans Shepherd shows readers how to see God in any circumstance, even when it's hard …
Review by Sr Grace Lee, fsp
This book will lead you to find God and reveal the power of his presence in your life.
In these 12 chapters you can learn how to find God in your circumstances, your own peculiar circumstance not just the normal circumstance.
You will also find five keys to survive difficult times and most of all, to give all your troubles to God. As you stand against the darkness, you can pray to overcome the spirit of strife and to achieve a breakthrough.
The author advises to place all trust in the God who can fill us with his grace and favour, this God who can heal us and bestow hope and peace in our life. This peace surpasses all understanding and is the real joy that fills our hearts beyond our expectations.
I find great pleasure in reading this book. It seems to fulfill all my unspoken desires and yearning for the love which comes with the real presence of God in me. I seek the God who is the joy of my life and his joy is the strength that carries me through all kinds of weather until I rest in God for evermore.
Published by Pauline Sisters Bombay Society
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